Contains the following herbal capsule combinations: The Base Capsules, Healthy Gut Capsules, Brain and Nerve Support Capsules, and The Cell Refresher Capsules
May alleviate several gastrointestinal disorders that provoke stomachaches, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.
May assist with strengthening and restoring the health of the digestive tract
May help you with the bloating and water retention
May assist with strengthening the central nervous system
May aid in calming and supporting the health of the brain and nerves
May assist with removing Candida
May soothe irritated nasal passages and airways
May help eliminate toxins and heavy metals within the body
May help restore the proper tone and health of the intestine by cleansing waste that develops in the intestinal wall
May be used to improve your stomach, liver, and pancreas secretions and to break up and remove gallstones from the gallbladder
May increase levels of lipids in cells, in particular high-density cholesterol (good cholesterol) while decreasing low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol), as well as decreasing triglycerides, creatinine, and uric acid.
May reduce high glucouse levels (hyperglycemia) in those battling diabetes
May be helpful for treating certain conditions, including anxiety and insomnia
May help ease anxious feelings that occur in response to stressful situations
May relieve fatigue, anemia, and stimulate blood circulation
May lower your systolic blood pressure and relieve tension & stress on the cardiovascular system
May treat urinary tract problems such as infections of the bladder, urethra and prostate; enlarged prostate; and kidney stones