May be used to combat several health issues, such as the common cold and flu, cough, fever, pneumonia, c*vd-19, swine flu, H5N1, mumps, and tumors, due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and anti-tumor effects.
May also be used to treat other viral infections including herpes and AIDS/HIV.
May help remove impurities, unclog pores and soothe troubled or acne prone skin.
May calm the excessive inflammation and immune response associated with conditions like allergies and autoimmunity, while stimulating the immune system in the presence of pathogens and infections.
May kill certain viruses and counteract some symptoms of bacterial infections.
May stimulate the immune system.
Contains lymphatic-moving properties, which may help to improve circulation and drainage within the lymphatic vessels.
May combat oxidative stress and contribute to overall cellular health.
May be a great ally for acute situations where symptoms may be settling in the respiratory system, as it helps move mucus out of the bronchioles.
May aid in minor pulmonary edema, which means it helps drain excess fluid in the lungs.
May act as a decongestant, providing relief from seasonal allergies
May help fight dangerous bacteria that cause gastrointestinal issues, respiratory diseases, and nosocomial diseases that spread in hospitals.
May be used to help relieve symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), such as acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion.
May be used as an anti-inflammatory and painkiller drug for the treatment of sore throat, herpes labialis, abscessed tooth, and wound healing.
For moderate influenza: 60 drops or 3 ml (a little over ½ teaspoon)