-Soursop may help clear out your airways, relieve congestion, and soothe irritation.
-Soursop may remove phlegm and mucus where a lot of pathogens tend to live.
-By reducing the inflammation in the nasal cavities and respiratory tracts, soursop may speed up the healing process.
- It may treat hypertension
- It may treat blood disorder
- Boost immunity
- May treat diabetes
- May treat insomnia
- May treat osteoporosis, back pain, and any rheumatic ailments
- May treat the gout
- May treat ulcers
- May lower the body’s temperature
- It has been said that it may be 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy, by attacking abnormal cells while leaving the healthy cells intact
- May treat kidney problems, gall bladder problems, skin disorders, and if you have fever, cough, vomiting, and fainting
- May heal skin eruptions
- May treat skin disorders such as eczema
- May be used as compression for various inflammation and swollen feet
- May help treat a urinary tract infection
- Great for enhancing the skin
- Highly nutritional